Technology Use Agreement

Technology Use Agreement 2024-2025
La Tijera is a 1:1 school. Technology resources are provided for students and staff to collaborate, produce, publish, conduct research, and communicate with each other. In return, it is expected that La Tijera students will use these resources for educational purposes only.
Every student will receive a device and training to develop the skills necessary to use such resources effectively. Students in TK– 2nd grade will use iPads in their classroom. Chromebooks are given to students in grades 3– 8. In grades TK- 6th, it is the teacher’s discretion whether students bring their device home. 7th- 8th grade students are asked to leave their assigned Chromebooks at home. Chromebooks are available to them in all core classes. Classroom Chromebooks are to STAY IN THE CLASSROOM.
All students are asked NOT to use their devices on the playground, yard, gym or hallways during the school day.
La Tijera via Inglewood Unified School District (IUSD) has taken reasonable steps to ensure that our technology resources are used only for activities that support the curriculum. Users should not expect privacy through email, Internet usage, or created documents. IUSD will monitor individual use of all technology systems as needed. However, total security on such a far-reaching system is imperfect and impossible to achieve.
All users are expected to act in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner and conform to common etiquette that includes being polite, using appropriate language, and respecting privacy.
Internet rules:
1. Do not reveal personal information (home address or phone number) of your own or another person.
2. Respect others online – NO BULLYING or Cyberbullying!
3. Use the Internet for good reasons (Cause NO HARM to self nor others).
4. Do not plagiarize, download, share or change information in any way that you do not own without citing the source or getting permission from the owner.
5. Do not vandalize and/or tamper with equipment, programs, files, system performance or other components of the network, including copying, distributing, or modifying copyrighted software, pictures or music.
6. Do not use another user's account or user name or allow another user access to one's own account or user name
7. Do not share your password either knowingly or carelessly.
8. Do not use email for other than school/district-related purposes.
Technology Use Policies– Please reference the following IUSD Board Policies on the website at
● BP6163.4-Student Use of Technology Policy includes:
1. Responsibility for Damage: IUSD guarantees the devices provided to students at the time of check out are operable. The Student is responsible for maintaining a 100% working device at all times. The Student shall use reasonable care to ensure that the device is not damaged. IUSD reserves the right to charge the Student and Parent the full cost for repair or replacement when damage occurs due to gross negligence as determined by administration. Examples of gross negligence include, but are not limited to:
● Leaving equipment unattended and unlocked. This includes damage or loss resulting from an unattended and unlocked device while at school. (See the Standards for Proper Care document for definitions of "attended," "unattended," and "locked.")
● Lending equipment to others other than one's parents/guardians.
● Using the equipment in an unsafe manner. (See the Standards for Proper Care documents for guidelines of proper use.)
2. Responsibility for Loss: In the event the device is lost or stolen, the Student and Parent may be billed the full cost of replacement. Students not participating in Inglewood Unified School District’s Device Loan Program are not to remove equipment from school property.
3. Actions Required in the Event of Damage: Report the problem to the school site teacher or administrator. If the device is stolen or vandalized while not at the school site, you are required to file a police report. Returning the device: If a student checks out of La Tijera, he or she must immediately return the device he or she was loaned from the school. The privilege of a loaned device may be revoked and must be returned to the school if the above mentioned rules are not followed. Behavioral problems may also result in a loss of privileges and/or losing the device. If after requested, the device is not returned in a timely manner, the anti-theft device on the device will be activated, and the device will be reported as stolen. Law enforcement will then become involved in retrieving the device and file charges against all offenders.
Returning the device: If a student checks out of La Tijera, he or she must immediately return the device he or she was loaned from the school. The privilege of a loaned device may be revoked and must be returned to the school if the above mentioned rules are not followed. Behavioral problems may also result in a loss of privileges and/or losing the device. If after requested, the device is not returned in a timely manner, the anti-theft device on the device will be activated, and the device will be reported as stolen. Law enforcement will then become involved in retrieving the device and file charges against all offenders.