Dress Code

The purpose of La Tijera’s dress code is to promote a safe and respectful environment at school. Items may be purchased at local uniform stores.
The following dress code is in effect each week of the school year and also applies to field trips and other school-related activities, unless the supervising adult informs the students otherwise:
- Shirt Options: On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays students are to wear a Polo shirt (hunter green with school logo). On Mondays and Wednesdays students MUST wear a white button-down shirt or blouse (formal day for ALL students), with or without school logo, and a La Tijera tie.
- Long Sleeve Undershirt: solid white, solid black, solid hunter green, or solid gray
Pants/Skorts/Shorts/Jumper: solid gray twill or hunter green/gray plaid skorts and skirts (no more than 1” above the knee). Pants MUST be uniform pants and not spandex, yoga pants, jeggings, etc.
- Jackets/Sweatshirts: Must be a uniform sweater or jacket only. Solid green jacket with hood and school logo; Solid green sweatshirt with school logo
- Sweater/Sweater Vest: Must be a uniform sweater or jacket only. Green pullover or cardigan with school logo; green vest with school logo
- Socks: Solid white, solid black, solid hunter green, or solid gray
- Tights/Leggings: Solid white, solid black, solid hunter green, or solid gray (may only be worn under skort, skirt, or dress).
- Shoes: Shoes can only contain the colors white, gray or black. No other colors will be allowed.
- Tie: Hunter green La Tijera tie required for Formal Days (Mondays and Wednesdays)
- Head covers: Solid white, solid black, solid hunter green, or solid gray hat or beanie may be worn outside. La Tijera beanies will be sold from the main office.
Mondays/Wednesdays: ALL students to be dressed in Formal Wear uniforms.
Tuesdays/Thursdays/Fridays: ALL students to be in School uniforms.
7th and 8th Graders ONLY
All Physical Education uniforms will be sold at La Tijera School NOT any other uniform store. These uniforms will consist of gray tops and green bottoms. All sizes will be available for purchase at the beginning of the year, and will have the school logo printed on them. All students are required to dress each day unless they have a written medical excuse from their doctor. Girls’ and boys’ uniforms must be purchased by the end of the second week of school. P.E. is a required course and students who fail the class will not receive credit. Physical Education tee shirts, shorts, crewneck sweatshirt, hooded sweatshirt, and sweat pants will all be available for purchase.